Exit Poll Analysis

The first question asked on the exit poll for ‘The Martian’ was “what gender are you?” as a result of asking this question I wanted to see if Science-Fiction films mostly attract more male than females and vice versa. From looking at the results shown in the pie chart above we see that 65% of the audience asked was male and 35% was female. This shows us that the audience of a Science-Fiction film is predominantly male. This would help future film producers when choosing the target audience of their Science-Fiction film.

The second question on the exit poll was “How old are you?” I asked this question because when I think of the Science-Fiction genre I think of the target audience being under 35 and male. The first question proved half of this theory to be correct and by looking at the pie chart above the other half of my theory is also correct. I think the science-fiction genre attracts an audience who is under the age of 35 because it is fantasy and they are usually very unrealistic so I think it could seem that the genre is sort of childish. The percentage of people asked that were under 35 was 75% and the other 25% is obviously over 35 

The third question in the exit poll was "How did you find out about the film?" I asked this question because personally I think that the most effective way of advertising a film is through the TV preview. I thought this because everybody watches TV so more people would see the film that way. From looking at the pie chart the most popular way for people to find out about this film is through the cinema trailer. So from these results if I was advertising the film myself I would increase the amount of times the trailer is shown in the cinemas because then it might attract a wider audience.

The fourth question in the exit poll was "What was your favourite thing about the film?" I set this question as an open question because then I could get a wide range of answers and it would be more interesting to see. The answer that shocked me the most was when 35% of people asked praised the film for making the female characters strong and independent. It shocked me because the audience was predominantly male and when you stereo-typically think of men you think that they think men should be the best of the best and women should be like there assistants but I guess after seeing these answers I can see how different the stereotype is to real life.

The fifth question in the exit poll was "What was your least favourite thing about the film?" Two of the most popular answers was the plot and that it wasn't worth the build up. When I asked some people why they thought these things the most common response I got was that apart from the stuff already shown in the trailer the rest was boring. I receive this response when I usually speak about films that fit in the Science Fiction genre so I think it just falls down to if your a fan of that genre in general then you will enjoy it if not then you won't enjoy it.